[quote=So Boerd] I certainly tried, Peps. [/quote] I wasn't talking about everyone, or hell.. anyone. Not specifically. I haven't read everyone's sheets, anyway. I'm just saying that, from what I've seen, there is room for some.. I don't know.. uniqueness? Something cool and unique for every nation. Something that defines it. I didn't mean to imply any sheet was bad, if it comes out that way. EDIT: [quote]I wasn't talking about everyone, or hell.. anyone. Not specifically. I haven't read everyone's sheets, anyway. I'm just saying that, from what I've seen, there is room for some.. I don't know.. uniqueness? Something cool and unique for every nation. Something that defines it. I didn't mean to imply any sheet was bad, if it comes out that way.[/quote] Eh, honestly.. If you are going to raid, then you should do that and do away with the trade. Why would you even raid if you are doing well with trading? Raiding is for those who want to [i]take[/i] their things, not earn them or trade for them.