Located a bit farther away than the whole group, a pair of ears visibly perked up as it caught wind of something interesting. The fact that they were pointed were also indications that this individual was somewhat out of the ordinary compared to the regular patrons of this less than fine establishment. "Hum de dum de..." The owner of said pointy ears went on her merry way towards the girl who had so espoused such interesting news. Such a proposition was always a good thing in the being's opinions since it provided adventures, riches, and best of all practice for her sword skills. Yes, life was good for Hardy, elven blademaster. That said, not even her being an elf in a room full of mostly humans were the extent of her strangeness, oh no. Not by far. Raised by a human ex-adventurer in a human village, the high elf coming close to the girl was all sorts of strange. Even her name was strange, considering it was the decidedly non elven name of Hardy. "Hardy is pleased that quest has come at last!" The fact that Hardy spoke in such a strange manner despite her being well over a century was even more icing on the strange cake known as Hardy. It was at that particular moment the eccentric blademaster caught sight of what Tanya looked like, once she got close enough to clear the various bodies blocking her view since the target was that small. And now apparently rather adorable looking too! "Waaa... Adorable! Hardy wishes to pat adorable paladin quest giver on the head!~" The rather bubbly elf exclaimed with what appeared to be a figurative sparkle in her eyes as very dexterous fingers began wriggle with anticipation. "You have Hardy's sword for adventure if Hardy is paid by being allowed to give you much pats to your head!" This came from the woman who lived to be in the triple digits and had traversed many a dungeon and field to become one a truly elite sword wielder who was approaching the pinnacle of her weapon class. "Oh, and I guess to stop evil. But mostly for the head pats!~"