**Deep Space, Sokalus Station** As Al'za Kail's fleet dropped out of anti-space she took in the sight of the might station in front of her. Stretching a dozen kilometers along all three axes it remained the most expensive venture ever authorized by the Concilan barring the Emergence and Project Gideon. She looked past the station to a massive planet, easily two or three times as large as Allaris. Monumental mineral deposits rested under the surface and gasses of all sorts were plentiful. That was the main reason that Sokalus station had been constructed in this area: it could sustain itself completely, keeping the secrecy of the project intact. Spurs reached out from the station, giant needles extending into space so as to make the station look like a black star. While not nearly as thick as the station the pieces stretched out thirty kilometers, requiring the building space so as to secure the pieces of Gideon. Drifting closer, the crew began running all pre-connection checks, guiding the Dasius dreadnought closer with infinitesimal care. Assisted by neurotechnological programs the ship bumped against the station firmly, its two kilometer long shape held in place by graviton couplers. Nodding at her personal guard to come with her she made her way via zavis tram to the teleportation room near the bridge of the vessel. Only able to teleport to locations where teleportation homers of Sakari make were active the devices served their purposes well. Blue light bathed her and her guard as they were sent instantly into the station, arriving in the midst of a welcoming party from the highest officials on-board. "Now to what do we owe this honor, High Seer?" queried the station Nachalen (warden), Sourvar Mettanii. Tall and well built for a Sakari, he outranked everyone in this room except for Al'za. His keen intellect afforded him the position on Sokalus, and with that position came power. The power of directing one of the Dominion's greatest projects. Smiling at the man she had met several times before on visits to the station, she bowed her head towards him. "The honor is mine, Nachalen. You are to expedite the construction of Project Gideon. Any resources you require shall be diverted to you for use should you require it. Both the Concilan and Patriarch decree this. There have been troubling revelations and this may be one of our only chances to prevent our death and the failure of the Doctrine." Shaking his head languidly, Sourvar looked at her with eyes twinkling. Motioning for her to follow, he asked, "Would you care to see what we have created? Our victory stands here." Nodding, Al'za followed deeper into the station to discover the progresses of Project Gideon. And the horrors. --- **Task Force Osveti, Expeditionary Fleet Dorgar, 15th Expansion Front, Unknown System** Lower Rear Admiral Guthan Erebus scanned the long-range scan report from one of the scout ships. Recently returned from a nearby system, the vessel had reported a conflict between fifteen vessels of unknown make. Utilizing weaponry similar to that of the C'ran Volus, it was certainly interesting to read about. If the readings from the scout vessel's sensor arrays were correct the two opposing forces utilized antiproton weapons. Something to be considered depending on his course of action. It seemed inferior to use only one part of an anti-matter particle versus that of a full one. Maybe they had their own reasons. Turning to the planet below him, he watched its broken surface as magma bubbled to the surface in many places, destroyed by bombardment from the C'ran ships. A successful catalog in his opinion. A lone civilization, they had been able to establish friendly relations over the course of a year. Over the next year much of the genetic information on the planet was copied to the Great Record, leaving only a few species to catalog. With their mission almost ended, Task Force Osveti had brought its full force to the planet, quickly subduing resistance and retrieving the last of the genetic material. Following that was the destruction of the planet. Such events were quick and painless for those on the planet. A sphere had been formed around the planet, twenty-two ships in position to cover every piece of space. Following this came endless streams of anti-matter beams and disruptor torpedoes, carving the planet apart. Within three minutes the entire surface was gone, replaced by lower regions of rock. These bombardments had been perfected over hundreds of years to ensure the complete coverage and painlessness which it required. Turning back to the bridge crew, he called to the navigator, "Let us investigate what this scout found." A minute later, twenty-two ships jumped out of the system. **Outpost 12, Abh Fringe Space** Arriving in the system, shields immediately came up and the ships arrayed themselves in a defensive position much like that of an arrowhead, Cantarin battlecruisers in front, Dasius dreadnoughts at the top and bottom, with the Altar troop transports filling the rest of the space. Sitting there, a debate ensued over whether or not to actually stay and if they were to remain whether or not to send a message. Becoming involved in a war was not something they desired for the Dominion for it would slow the Emergence considerably. Following careful deliberation, it was decided they would sit there until the battle was over and contact the victor.