**Name:** Arnold Wilson **Gender:** Male **Age:** 25 **Title:** Barkeep / Hobby Fisherman ![enter image description here](http://img-cache.cdn.gaiaonline.com/b7d20cf9c47feedf8c608cc7dfc65672/http://i127.photobucket.com/albums/p123/Rage_Viper_Mage/Anime%20Boys/vampireboy.jpg "Arnold Wilson") **Family/Relationships:** Little golden retriever named Calvin **Living Location:** Single bedroom house **Personality:** Arnold is a very kind and caring person, with an extremely friendly personality. He can connect emotionally easily with people. All of these reasons are what helped Arnold decide to become a bartender. He sometimes enjoys to be alone however that is what sparked his interest to take up being a hobby fisherman, also helped keep his food budget down. **Backstory:** Arnold's grandfather had come down with an unknown illness that had claimed his life quite rapidly, Arnold was the only one to make the 200 mile trip to be with his grandfather so when he came to his unfortunate passing his grandfather had given him the deed to his house. It was only a one bedroom house but since it was only his grandfather living in it was big enough for him. Arnold thought about selling the house and going back home but he thought that this could be the fresh start that he needed, he didn't have anything holding him back to his old town, the longer he stayed in this town the more he grew atoned to it. He had applied for a job as a bartender but the manager had liked him so much that he decided to take him on as an apprentice barkeeper, so the manager could have more time spend with his family since everyone had been shook up about his grandfather. Arnold has been living here for two months now and he hadn't ever regretted the decision that he had made. **Likes/Dislikes:** **Likes : ** Friendly people, hard liquor, the outdoors, coffee. **Dislikes : ** Thieves, two faced people, decaf. **In game birthday:** Winter 8