**Name:** Marshall Knope **Age:** 15 **Godly Parent:** Apollo **Years at Camp:** 6 **Ability:** God-granted accuracy - meaning he could shoot a quarter out of the air from about ten meters away. If he says a hymn to Apollo (it doesn’t have to be out loud) and touches the intended recipient of the prayer, he can heal them or remove ailments. **Skills:** Quite a skilled poet, he has notebooks filled with poetry. He also has been working on becoming a better writer, with quite a few notebooks dedicated to short stories. He is quite skilled at tending to wounds simply using modern medicine, as well as ambrosia/nectar. **Weapon of Choice:** Bow and arrow **Appearance:** [Photo reference](http://25.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_lb58umhj841qe4nyno1_500.jpg) Having not hit much of a growth spurt since he was eleven, he’s only 5’ even accompanied by a lanky frame. He looks like he would barely weigh 100 pounds wet while still maintaining the youthful roundness to his face. A mop of auburn hair sits atop his head, just long enough that it gets into his eyes; because of its wavy nature, it tends to give him the perpetual bedhead look even when he has brushed all the tangles from it. His eyes are almond shaped, and sea-foam blue in color. He has a nice smile - from what he has been told - and carries himself well despite his weak physique. Like most fair skinned people, he tans the more sun he gets - generally sporting a ‘farmer tan’ from a dislike for taking off his shirt even if he’s out in the sun all day - and his tan fades during the winter. He has a fondness for hats and has quite the collection. The leather bracelet and necklace - both braided with beads - stay on him 24/7. He has a messenger bag, which he keeps on him at all times, that holds at least one composition notebook, some medical supplies, and some ambrosia squares and a flask of nectar. **Personality:** Quiet by nature, he is shy. He blushes easily, especially when flustered which tends to make him stumble over words and fluster him even more. Being around his half-siblings doesn’t make him as flustered, but he still gets nervous talking to others. He prefers to read or just sit outside watching nature, and absolutely loves animals; he loves fantasy, mystery, and romance stories best, though his writing grew a bit darker ever since the Titan war. He gets extremely embarrassed when anyone finds/reads any of his notebooks in which he attempted to write stories. Despite being uncomfortable actually talking to others, he does like being useful and help others (though he works best if he’s just pointed in a direction, given the instruction, and allowed to just work without having to talk.) The dislike to talk does help him be a good listener, though it’s best to just ambush him since he’ll feel too awkward to actually leave. **Brief History:** The news of ovarian cancer had made Charlette Knope sad and depressed, until she met a man that brightened her outlook on life; one thing led to another, and in the same appointment where they were checking to see what option was best for treatment she learned that not only was the cancer gone, but she was pregnant. Nine months later, her little miracle was born. His mother homeschooled him, both a convenience because they lived on the outskirts of town and an overbearing protection to keep her special present all to herself. It created an isolated childhood, and gave him little exposure to other kids. Tragedy struck when his mother drove off the road when a huge black dog appeared in the road before them. She told him to run and distracted the beast; despite his desire to stay and help his mother, he didn’t want to disobey his mother. After so long of running, he ended up coming across a strange boy that turned out to be a satyr; the satyr took him back to camp. After a few days, he learned his mother hadn’t died and got permission to go visit her in the hospital. It was then that she explained it was best he live at camp to make sure he always stayed safe. He writes to her weekly to stay in touch, and meets with her in a nearby city for his birthday and Christmas when he can. It wasn’t possible once the Titan War was in full swing, and since then he hasn’t wanted to see her as much - too scared that she might not approve of him anymore.