**Name:** Geoffrey Dirk (also known as Rey or Croweyes) **Age:** about 180 but physically he looks about 18 **Appearance:** [Rey's picture](https://fbcdn-sphotos-f-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xap1/v/t1.0-9/s720x720/10882226_10203108893756502_4134095205414993841_n.jpg?oh=3a765e5d6813685d7cdf0cce752d2e4a&oe=553063A4&__gda__=1429373471_4751bf5fe625d2b69261e3b354233ccb) Standing at 5'11", he has a relatively athletic build and can fight in both his dragon and half-dragon forms. The charm that keeps him from being his true self is a tongue stud and occasionally a golden armband. Unseen in the picture is one scar going from his right shoulder to the bottom of his ribs, and another scar going across his stomach. In his dragon form, he is about 40 feet tall (4 stories) with diamond-shaped plates on his neck, underbelly, and thighs. His hands and feet have large claws and atop his head are five spikes that go from front to back with a small horn on his nose. **Background:** Rey comes from a family of very strict parents and a house with many siblings. Often bullied by his older, stronger siblings, he grew up believing that the only way you would get things in the world would be to fight for them. So when he eventually was kicked out by his parents to live on his own, he became distrustful of everyone and especially humans. The prejudice against mythological creatures didn't help either so it wasn't long until the impressionable dragon got into some bad dealings with the wrong crowd which soon landed him in the slammer. Before he went to jail, he often moved around doing odd jobs and street preforming. He had to teach himself how to fight for the most part, which kept him both in and out of trouble. After getting out of jail, he often bounced around from house to house. His aggressive nature and bad temper made it hard for him to find some place to stay. But then he found Oasis. **Personality:** Personality-wise he is a brash, aggressive and stubborn guy who doesn't like to be told to do things and does what he wants at his own pace. If anything, the primary word to describe him is cranky. He doesn't listen to anyone unless they've earned his respect. His temper is understandably explosive and he's quick to change form and go on the offensive. Because of how he was raised and the great distrust he has toward humans, he is considerably racist toward them. Though its usually uncommon, once he's made friends with someone he is surprisingly loyal to some extent and rather protective. **What type of mythical creature are you?** Well, if you really couldn't tell by the wings and tail, I'm definitely a dragon. **What Crime did you commit?** Hmmm, let me see if I remember right. . . I think it was they said "four accounts of arson and money laundering". **How long where you in prison?** I was in prison for about 5 years since back then I was considered a "minor". Though, I don't know how you can call me a minor after 100+ years living on this planet. **How long have you lived at The Oasis?** So far I've been here almost a year now. ((edit: added some things that I forgot XP ))