The dock which had been cleared for the arriving guest was completely barren of all ships and crew members, all that remained was a group of five figures who had been left behind to greet the Illixian Captian. One of the figures was an infantry field Captian who was dressed in a white combat suit with two purple stripes on his should to indicate his rank. The other four figures were Korwrath mechanized units which had their shoulder rocket packs as well as their magnetic Gatling guns taken off and were instead replaced with a large gauss rifle held in their hands. Each of these suits stood at eight and a half feet tall which made them tower over the field captain who was only six feet and four inches. "Greeting honored diplomat." The field captain said as he approached the transport flanked by his four guards. "I am field captain Roak Do, I will be escorting you to a sterile room where you may talk to the Grand Admirals in peace. We apologize for wearing our suits but we are very weary of outsides and unknown pathogens." Roak Do festered to a door as the end of the hanger which would lead to a long hallway leading to the meeting room.