**Name: **Fallon **Age:** 19 **Appearance:** Her hair is an auburn colour, her skin a soft light brown in her Myth form with her cheeks freckled with little white spots, the fur on her legs being a dark brown. In her human form her skin is fair and her cheeks and nose are covered in freckles. In her human form she has normal legs and her face looks more human other then her nose being a little flat and her small horns stick out, which she usually hides with hair or a hat. She is quite small aswell being only 5'2 (158 cm) ![](http://fc02.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2015/010/9/f/fallon_faun_by_gothicfail-d8dbps2.jpg) Her Myth Form ![enter image description here](https://fbcdn-sphotos-f-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xfp1/v/t1.0-9/1660438_817618948299428_6692119565665155318_n.jpg?oh=c4235d1389c673f9fb0f01001c2ead91&oe=556755C9&__gda__=1428506450_840c9ce19b1ca3d80b26857a5ced880d "enter image title here") Her Human Form (Sorry would hide the pics but I have no idea how to XD) **Background:** She spent most of her life working in a circus as a sideshow act. It was all she knew so she enjoyed it and became attached to those around her. He "Career" was quite good at first but after awhile not many people wanted to pay to see something that was quite common now. So she had less work and the Master of the circus had less and less use for her. And near the end that just chained her to her enclosure and feed her once a day. She was sad at first but assumed this was for a reason, like they were planning a big show, her hopes faded after a year passed and barely any of them spoke to her. It was until a heavy thunderstorm hit the small town, a employee heard banging outside and went to check on Fallon who was distressed at the loud noises and was smashing around in her cage. As the employee opened the cage Fallon leaped out, kicking him square in the face and ran toward the closest shelter, the tent. it was pitch back as she ran in, stumbling and tripping over crates as they were ready to leave the town the next day. In her haste to escape the thundering sounds she smashed a hove through a light that was laying on the ground, it sent sparks flying and eventually lit the tent alight. No one killed but the tents went up in flames and hundreds to thousands of dollars of equipment damaged and 7 employees injured. Fallon assumed the Ring Master would be forgiving but to her surprise he wanted to kill her, but the next best thing was to get her arrested. **Personality:** Hyper most of the time, cheerful, always trying to see the good in people, a little shy and easily spooked, very bouncy but stubborn. She can be horribly clumsy at times seeing that she isn't use to Human legs and hates them, She is terrified of the dark and of thunder storms. **What type of mythical creature are you? **I'm a Faun, A creature that is a half human–half goat, my bottom half being goat and top half semi human, Although I have pointy horns and my face is different to humans too, But only a little. **What Crime did you commit?** Property Damage and Injury. **How long where you in prison?** 2 years. **Are you looking forward to being at Oasis?** Yeah, it sounds nice and I'm excited to be somewhere other then a circus and a prison, but I'm a little scared too, Just hope I don't wreck anything this time hehe.