*You are a human, which one are you?* ![](http://www.robertsnowphoto.com/data/photos/792_1ian_wyatt_lan_portrait_gamer_halo.jpg "Andrew Davis") **Name:** Andrew Davis **Gender:** Male **Age:** 17 **Occupation:** Student/Gamer **History(Brief):** Andrew is a pretty normal teenager, the only thing that really would stick out about him would be his appearent love for all things Fiction. Except, this isn't true. Nobody knows who Andrew **really** is. After all, if they did, they might be much more likely to leave him alone. Andrew *"suffers"* from Multiple Personality Disorder. While that does little in the way of him living a normal life, that's exactly what he doesn't want. He wishes to be the Hero, or even the Villian if that's all that's left. He wants to be a warrior, maybe even a leader if the people nowadays weren't so corrupt, weak, and stupid. But, Andrew is also lazy for the most part, finding most of life outside of the realm of Fiction or Technology to be boring. But that's where his goal in life, his only real constent passion comes from: **Gaming**. To keep with this, there was only one option: Become a Pro Gamer. And become that he did. While still new on the scene of the League of Legends Pro Gaming Stage, he has made his way up from a noobic Bronze 5, all the way up to a Diamond 1, and snatching up the attention of the North American Pro Team comLexity.Black, grabbing the open Attack Damage Carry slot in the 5-man main team after ROBERTxLEE retired, all after just turning 17, allowing him to legally compete on the Pro League of Legends scene. His current desire with him life is to become the best ADC in the Pro League. **Hobbies:** Gaming, Reading, Writting Fanfiction, Philosophy. More Gaming. - **Family(Living):** - Jessica Davis (Younger Sister) - Joseph Davis (Older Brother) - Irene Milton Davis (Mother) - Thomas Davis (Father) - Joan Applecot Davis (Grandmother) - Frank Milton (Grandfather) **What are you?** *A True Pro Gamer.*