Name: James Hunt Age: 25 Birthday: January 19, X867 Magic:Paladin Magic This is the magic of a choice few sword and shield wielders who put the needs of others before themselves. Their main magical roll is as an offensive support, creating shields around their allies and healing them to name a couple rolls. Magic Level: A History: James is the son of two Knights of Fiore who disappeared from the capital city of Crocus when it was discoverd their only son could use magic and use it well. He discovered this extraordinary ability at the age of 10, when he was defending a friend from some bullies that had taken to singling her out and picking on her because she wasn't as good at swordplay as some others. In fact, she was among those who preferred to be at a distance with a bow or cross bow, something which many of the other kids found to be worth making fun of someone over. Most only did it in passing and in good fun, their parents had honor, why couldn't their children, but this particular boy, his name Ratfink, made a vicious sport of it and had already forced six other children to find other places to learn their family profession. The day James discovered his magic abilities, Ratfink had led the girl, her name Lianna, off to a corner of the sparring field out of the instructor's sight. Besides that, the instructor, an older knight who had retired after taking an arrow to the knee, though more like six, was busy breaking up a fight between two other students. Ratfink had already disarmed and knocked Lianna to the ground and was now hitting her mercilessly with his wooden practice sword, calling her a cowardly knight for wanting to use a bow over the sword and that she should leave the training and never come back. James, who had just finished his match, had seen this and intercepted one of the swings with his own practice sword, pushing the bully back and stepping between her and him, his wooden practice shield held up high. They exchanged a series of blows and blocks, with taunts from Ratfink thrown in occasionally, when the bully got lucky and knocked the shield away. Aiming to deliver a painful blow to James's face, the wood broke on impact. Upon the young ten year old's head and body was a suit of magic armor that had increased his durability. Now, since he was so young, it was simply leather armor with an enhanced durability against wooden swords. The ten year old proceeded to disarm and knock unconscious Ratfink. He returned home after informing the instructor of the incident, told his parents, and they left that night, before the Rune Knights of the Magic Council could arrive. He spent ten years training with his parents in the mountains of Fiore, growing stronger in both magic and weapon skill. He uses a sword and shield, becoming a Paladin of old. Personality: Straight to the point and no nonsense, but he enjoys a good joke. Team Members: Three Strengths: (Not just combat) 1. Stead fast, won't give up on his beliefs or others 2. Thinks clearly in any situation 3. Reliable, will be there when you need him Three Weaknesses: (Make them Applicable) 1. Can be too stubborn sometimes. 2. Has very few applicable skills besides his magic 3. Habit of using sarcasm at the worst time Greatest Love: Sword play Motivation: Protecting those who can't protect themselves. Appearance: With helmet [img][/img] Without helmet [img][/img] Additional Details: When he summons his armor, he also summons his sword and shield. Commonly seen in armor though, so his sword and shield are on his back. Guild Mark is golden on his left hand. Theme: [url=]Attack- 30 Seconds to Mars[/url]