Matt set watching his friends discuss the EP and the potential for it's finish being as early as the end of the weekend. A smile spread across his face as he took a large bite of an egg roll, real progress was being made and this time it was on musical merit, not on the desk of the band's manager (not that Harbingers had a manager). In the grand scheme it wasn't a lot but an EP was the first step. Lost in his thoughts and dreams as he was it in mid bite that he heard Søren's idea for an X-Men inspired shirt. Coughing and choking on his egg roll Matt managed to choke out a sentence letting his cohorts know exactly how much he approved the idea, **"Holy -cough- fuc-cough-king amazballs!"** Washing the cabbage and assorted vegetables down he continued **"I would wear that shirt all the time."** Taking a small bite of his chicken he switched back to the topic of the EP **"As for the weekend, I should be good cept for tomorrow morning. Gotta open up shop."** Pausing for a moment to swallow his chicken he continued **"On the topic of the EP though I did want to rerecord the ending of Autumn Illness... I had a sick idea involving a talking outro and gang vocals that should give it that final oomph,"** As he said this he punched his open palm to give a solid sound to accompany the word "oomph".