Sorry it took so long, I had to down size it from 5+ page CS to 2 or so. So most the weaknesses, limitations and other more detailed information isn't listed as this is a bare bones one. Either way, enjoy! ^-^ **Appearance:** ![Appearance]( (I take no claim over the picture, just borrowing for reference for Helen...) Helen’s built is rounded and short, her height reached up to five foot four and just an inch more with her boots usually adding the extra inch. When her hair is left off its normal bun, it settles a few inches below her shoulder and tends to grow wild around her dark green eyes. Helen tends to wear to types of fashion, formal and work related, the later also used for casual days as well. The one above is an example of the more formal wear. However, her work outfit is much different and is her usual getup worn around the guild since its made of stronger materials and far more mobile when it comes to machinist or doctor work. Her lower half is dressed in a what seems to be a plain, [leather skirt]( but when it is [hitch up and hook](, it allows better mobility while keeping her modesty. After all, she’s not an evening woman (hooker) for any man to look up her dress and get his day made! For the top, Helen tends to borrow one of her husband’s shirts which she rolls up and ties around her elbows. When she’s in surgery, she tends to cover it over with a leather butcher’s apron so keep it from becoming too bloodied. **Name:** Helen Govannon (maiden name: Rondell) **Age:** 29 **Guild Band:** Neutral as she values the individual rather any single band, there’s not one guild member who hasn’t been treated or doesn’t know her. **Archetype:** A fixer of man and machine (Aka, the doctor and machinist) **Backstory:** Helen’s life in her childhood was normal like any Varisie child as she grew up within the Rondell household, alongside her brother Eli. Her parents, Anthony and Catharine Rondell, were loyal soldiers to the military so spirits were a common thing to the pair which often led to misadventures into mischief. Naturally due to Eli being four years her senior, neither of their parents had noticed their young daughter’s natural knack for machines until Eli allowed it to slip one day during sword practice. That forever changed her fate. A few weeks after her ninth birthday, Helen was introduced to an obscured but well respected relative, an Uncle Howard. The years that followed, she was practically raised by the renaissance type man as he shared his knowledge about machines, art, magic and later on, medicine. Eventually she rarely recalled his eccentric nature, no longer noticed by her continual contact, while began to hone her natural gifts into something that her homeland could benefit from. When she became older, Helen later became a part time worker at her uncle’s clinic while Eli trained with her parents, their bond still strong despite the lessening time they spent together. It was more obvious when Eli was recruited and left home. Still, Helen was stubborn when it came to keeping contact by sending constant letters, trinkets, and other package exchange during his absence. Her focus was spent so much on keeping a bond between her brother and herself alive; Helen didn’t notice the danger so close to home. In the shadows and outside her knowledge, her uncle had slowly been driven insane by one of his older spirits. By the time she had discovered the behavior, it was too late and he attempted to kill her. The fight spread to the street and nearly ended Helen’s life until one of her Uncle's spirits, Ignis, stepped in. Knowing it was life or death, she naturally agreed to Ignis's pact conditions even while they were locked in combat. If not for his aid, she would've died a gruesome death. Shortly the Inquistors arrived and placed on trial. Barely found innocent, she was register following the incident and trained to become a summoner. During those three years she gained three more spirits in addition to Ignis and due to her gender, she was decided a field medic was more fitting to her role within the field rather than her skills with machinery. Afterward she was placed within a unit and served the rest of her conscription requirement. It gave her a taste of combat and blood, though it came to an end when she got news of Eli’s death. Helen’s world shattered as she left her military career behind to start fresh within the Western-Cities.She registered within Meduzart and tried to hash out a living for the rest of her life. Not easy until she stumbled onto a small group of men, hoisting a wounded courier, into the Adventure Guild one night. The victim was a young boy, fifteen, and in terrible shape. Going against her better judgment to mind her own business, Helen stabilized the boy while a doctor was sent for. This earned the attention of one of the overseers and eventually a job as the Guild doctor. A few years later, she met Adonair, her future husband, who she patched up after a brawl at a local bar. After getting a peek at his airship design, the spec ridiculous complex yet interesting enough to spark her old desires. As time went by during the construction, the two fell in love and a year ago married. The rest is history. **Skills and Abilities:** - Moderate Shooter: Basic firing skills, though her skill and aim is moderate enough she can at least hit her target within a fair range with a simple, revolver. However long range, you better get someone else. - Machinist Knowledge: Helen’s is a talented machinist as she’s proven by building Adonai’s Zephyr’s Machine right down to his bizarre specs.Skills among but limited in this area are welding expertise, assembling and manufacture as well as extensive knowledge of most metals and their properties, including best usage within machines. - Medical Doctor: Having developed a strong curiosity of how the inner body works when she lived with her uncle, Helen has a strong and in depth knowledge of the human body and its inner health. She is very adapted to patching up various woudns, from broken bones to torn muscles, and even damaged organs or limbs. **Equipment:** - [A basic and standardized Revolver]( which can hold up to six bullets at one time. A Varisie manufactured piece from her days within the military, she keeps it well maintained with routine cleaning, practice shots, and much more to ensure it’s in the peak of condition. Though it is only an emergency alternative compared to her magic or should trouble get too close. - [Travel size medical kit] ( filled with the basic necessities for patching anyone up while in the field or not. - [Less the portable Tool case]( which is usually kept on board of the airship and a much smaller pack is used in the need of travel, depending on the job most the equipment is taken from here. Within are several key items from wrenches to torches, and even a crowbar or two to fix almost any kind of machine. **Spirits:** ~Simple~ _Sira_ ![Appearance]( Sira, a male tomcat, seems to be completely made from light as his whole form seems to shimmer and waver with each movement. Height-10 inches and 57 inches in length Pact details: - Sharing a memory filled with warmth and light after both summoning and the danger have past is a requirement. - Unless her person is in harm’s way, Sira’s magic doesn’t affect Helen’s established allies or any innocent creature within range. - Helen’s survive is key because Sira can’t get his memory if any drastic happens to her, so he will do everything within his power to ensure she survive mind, body and emotion. To some extend this area of the pact had now included Adonai. Skills and abilities: Both Helen and Sira can gather any surrounding light within a mile range then condense it all into a center point for several second, but only Sira can cast the following spells. * Flare: Sira can condense whatever light Helen and/or he had gathered into his own body, making it brighter than usual. Soon, a blinding light is sent to flood the area within nine-foot radius creating a distraction or blindness only. * Focused Beam: Sira can open his mouth and send a focused beam of light straight at a target. When the light sets on the surface, then the hotter the affected area becomes until it either burns into flames (like fire sparked by a magnifying glass) or is very hot to the touch. * Light: When he doesn’t rid himself of the light, the glow casted by his body increased causing him to become similar to a lantern casting a warm, pleasant light wherever he treads. This light can chase away normal darkness up to five or six feet in front of him enabling things once hidden by darkness to be revealed. _Nahor_ ![Appearance]( height- 14.5 hh Pact details: - A simple twirling horse on a jewelry box, powered by steam. - Unless she is in danger from someone she once trusted, Nahor magic doesn’t affect Helen’s established allies or any innocent creature within range. Skills and abilities: Nahor can create his element, steam, for either him or Helen to use at will which is a source free of outside influence. Like with Sira, Helen has only key spells she can use and that one, with Nahor, is Hot Touch. * Hot Touch: Depending on which one evokes this magic, the area focused on changes. For Helen it is within her hands while in Nahor, it's in his hooves. When activated, superheated stream emits from the focus and when contact is made it can sear flesh, burn clothes, and heat up weaker metals like copper and iron. * Vapor Geyser: When Nahor focuses his steam into his mouth, he can direct a rapid burst of heated vapor right at a target. Having similar effects to hot touch but with greater distance and lasting much less, it can cover a greater range within a 7 foot area from the horse’s location. _Heimda_ ![Appearance]( Height-4’3” Pact details: - She couldn’t get him to agree outright to never harming her allies or allowing his wind magic to be negated if they happened to be within its path. However, he did agree never to use his magic to kill a living creature, man or beast...on purpose that is. - The pact price was a small, ivory dagger made from what seemed to be made from wolf bone. Heimda requested before Helen died of natural age that she would bury it at the coldest peaks within Aesteria. Because of the seeming urgency that this happens, Heimda will do all he can to ensure Helen will reach an old age or at least bury the relic before her time is up. The others however, are not his concern. Skills and abilities: * Wind Gust: Able to conjure up a wind, usually bitter and frigid, wherever and whenever he is summoned. Heimda can then manipulate its direction and strength, from create a gentle gust of wind that can scatter dust to a strong, stormy like breeze able to move an entire airship. ~Humanoid~ _[Ignis](