**Full Name:** Lasair Onchu ![](http://i59.tinypic.com/jtw3mu.png "enter image title here") **Nickname:** Red **Gender:** Male **Age:** 18 **Birthday:** July 14th **Astrological Sign:** Cancer **Starter Pokemon:** Tepig **Team:** Growlithe, Fletchinder, Tepig & Flareon **Legend:** Fire **Trainer Class:** Animal Tamer **Hometown& Region:** Nimbasa City; Unova **Personality:** Lasair has quite a fun and exciting personality, this is probably from spending most of his life in Nimbasa City. However as soon as someone calls him out or challenges him to a battle it is almost like flipping a switch since his intensity sparks and engulfs in itself much like a fire. Once the battle ends he goes right back to being his fun self. **Small Biography:** Lasair had lived on Cinnabar Island with his parents who were scientists at the Lab until the island was no longer safe to live in which was when their family moved to Nimbasa. This parents had been fascinated with the Gear Station since arriving in Nimbasa since they didn't have anything like that on Cinnabar Island. So Lasairs parents changed their profession slightly to adjust to help keep this running safe and smoothly. However Lasair didn't share the same interests as his parents, when Lasairs parents were at work in the Lab where children weren't allowed for safety reasons. Young Lasair had often gone over to the gym which was what sparked his interest in Pokemon. The first Pokemon that he had ever been introduced to was Blaines Growlithe, which was where he spent most of his time, whenever Blaine wasn't defending his gym that is. That was a lasting impression on him since now Lasair favourite Pokemon is a Growlithe of his own and also shares a passion for fire Pokemon and vice versa it would seem. **Power:** Flaming Eye - He has foresight of any type of fire moments before they happen, whether it be a fire based attack or someone getting ready to light a smoke. If he takes time to hone in and focus he can see any previous fires that have been started within the past 24 hours. **Themesong:** [Dragonforce - Through the fire and flame](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0jgrCKhxE1s)