WIP [Hider=Agafor] Name: Agafor, Son of Chernobog Titles: Son of The Dark One, High Warlock Affiliation: Gender: male Age: 20 Birthplace: The Tsardom of the Rus Origin: The story of the duality between the god of light and sun Belobog and the god of darkness and chaos Chernobog has been told for hundreds of years. No one knows exactly where the two gods originated, whether they were brothers or if they were one being separated into two gods, but what is known is that they are like opposites and have been in conflict for as long their followers could remember. Their battles had done a great amount of damage to the land, and eventually formed a truce to not directly go to war with another knowing that it would mean mutually assured destruction for the both of them as well as the Tsardom. In order to still undermine one another without breaking the truce, both Belobog and Chernobog started having Demigod children, but it was a rare case for there to be a birth of a demigod. Agafor was one of those rare children. Not wanting the children to have too much attention to them until they were older, both Belobog and Chernobog had the demigods born to honest and common families. For Belobog he wanted his children to experience humanity and attain respect and humility through the common people. Chernobog believed that by having his children grow up as a commoner they would see the worst of humanity and the evils that plagued human society. Many said that the children of Belobog were baptized in warmth the summer sun, while the children of Chernobog were said to be baptized in the dark night of a cold winter. Agafor was born on a cold snowy night in one of the more poorer villages of the Tsardom and his family was impoverished. Race: Demigod Appearance: He looks like this but his hair is a dark red and his eyes are an eerie blue. ![enter image description here](https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236x/02/70/8c/02708c27b18d6079de810faf93a1e8ac.jpg "enter image title here") His Demigod form looks like this ![enter image description here](https://ferrebeekeeper.files.wordpress.com/2012/03/chernabog-02-3.jpg "enter image title here") Occupation: Warlock and demigod Resources: Thanks to his godly heritage and using his powers for price, Agafor has a good amount of wealth. He is not as rich as lord or royalty, but he is most definitely not poor or a commoner. He is well known throughout the Tsardom of The Rus and people come to him asking for favors and when he needs to he will come to someone asking for to return their favor. In order to bind someone to serving him when he needs a favor in return for his services, Agafor makes them sign a contract which will only be broken when they do the favor that is asked of them. If they do not fallow the rules of the contract then Agafor will have the power bring bad misfortune to them. He has his Warlock robes and a [url=http://img1.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20090708113011/finalfantasy/images/5/5a/FF7_Wizard_staff.jpg]magic staff which helps him focus his power[/url]. Skills: He is very well versed in the arcane arts and has a huge knowledge of magic and the cosmology of the Slavic pantheon. Agafor is a very powerful magic user and has senses that are more sharp than regular humans because of his godly heritage. He can change into his Demigod form which grants him increased strength and the ability to fly, but his ability to use magic in complex ways is limited. Personality: Just a general overview of your character as a person. They should reflect a version or a particular story or even a combination. As long as the interpretation makes sense in the context of that story. Maybe Cinderella is still a naive princess or maybe she became more cynical. Maybe Red Riding Hood is still a hopeless victim or maybe she became a stone-cold were-wolf killer. Either way you should leave room for them to grow and character development should make sense. Biography: An overview of their original story with whatever elements added in to make it a compelling background. You don't need to write out a whole life-story however but two or three good paragraphs is a must. Where did they start from in their story, what happened, and where are they now? What happened after their supposed happy ending? Notes: Any other random facts that may be interesting[/Hider]