**Elora** Elora sighed as she stepped into the bar, hating her parents for making her do this and hating herself even more for letting them direct her life. It had not been difficult to find Jett. He frequented this human bar often enough that her parents had been able to assure here that this was where he would be. She had hoped that he wouldn't show but when she caught sight of him heading inside, she had followed him. Reluctantly. Elle wore a light, wine coloured dress that hugged her waist and fell loosely from that point to half way down her thigh. Over it, she wore a black leather jacket and high boots on her feet, reaching almost to her knees. Her dark hair hung in loose waves around her shoulders and her lips were painted to match her dress while her eyes held a smokey, silver shadow. She crossed the room, watching as Jett set up the pool table. He had likely noticed her presence by now. They were the only two vampires in the room and she could pick out his scent easily. "Jett Vaskial, back on the market," Elle purred as she sidled up beside him. "And it was a calm and mutual decision, too!" She laughed lightly, and sat up on the side of the pool table, making it difficult for him to ignore her if he wanted to play. "Somehow I doubt things went so smoothly. Veronica was always so hot headed, but then, we never did get along." She and the supermodel had never had the best relationship. Perhaps they were too alike. Elora had never been known for her even temper, after all. She glanced sideways at him. "I caught the end of your show," she said in way of an explanation. "Very convincing. I bet all the human girls are assuring themselves that this is their chance!" She smirked, crossing one long leg over the other at a leisurely pace and smoothing down the material of her dress. This had not been the first she'd heard of Jett's break up with Veronica Maze but it _was_ the reason she was here instead of out enjoying herself. Her parents had been only too ready to take advantage of the vampire's sudden availability. Anything to further themselves. She didn't know why she ever played along and she wasn't entirely sure that she would this time. Not when it would have such an enormous impact on her life. Jett was handsome, there was no doubt about that. He was talented and resourceful and funny. All of the things she typically liked in a man. The problem was that she'd grown up with the firm impression that the Vaskial family were a threat and although her parents had found that easy to turn off when they had something to gain, she found it more challenging. She had decided that she would come here and torment him a little before returning home to announce that he hated her and their plan would never come to fruition. There would be arguments, but there was always arguments. "Aren't you going to buy me a drink, Jett?" she teased. "I hear you're a gentleman everywhere but in the bedroom." Her eyes flickered over to the bar woman who was making her way towards them with a beer and a plate of fries. The young woman did not seem impressed that Elora had taken up a conversation with him. "I am feeling rather thirsty." She made a point of gazing at the girl's neck before returning her attention to him and arching a dark eyebrow, a smirk tugging at the corner of her lips.