Oliver and his sister trudged through the forest. They were heading home. Well, their cave more like. Their home was destroyed a year back. Oliver heard a thud behind him and turned to find Cerys sitting with he back against a tree. "Need a break?" Oliver asked. Without even saying a word, probably because she couldn't, Cerys nodded. "Ok". Oliver slung his backpack round and sat down next to her. He lays the pack on the ground and counted what they had managed to capture. "Hm, two rabbits and a bird. Not bad. At least we won't be starving tonight." "We have some plants too. I suppose we could throw them in, make it a bit healthier" Said Cerys. "I suppose" Neither of them wanted to get up. They had been out all day. They both sat there without saying a word to each other; taking in the scenery of the forest and the sounds of the animals that reside in it