**Full Name**: Unknown **Alias**: Akaoni **Age**: Late 60s, presumably. **Affiliation**: None ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- **Description**: He stands at 6'4 and weighs approximately around 140 pounds, rightfully classified as underweight. He has stitches in every part of his body, while his eyes are a scarlet red. A defining trait of him is also his baldness, but what really stands out is his red demon mask. Additional traits that contribute to his scary appearance are the lack of eyelids and the lack of lips, replaced by bloody outlines. His ears are also not properly formed. Instead, there's a twisted hole that serves as a replacement. He still can hear good though. Last but not least, the left part of his head is actually nothing but a jelly substance that barely prevents his brain from falling on the ground. As for his attire, his rotten flesh is covered on nothing but a customized piece of clothing that resembles that of a Tibetian monk, but is more combat-ready and employs dark brown colors instead of the usual yellow-orange mix. It's also made of leather. [Akaoni masked](http://th06.deviantart.net/fs71/PRE/i/2013/132/9/9/dmc__drekavac_by_xdemon_girlx-d651ppw.jpg) [Akaoni unmasked] (http://fc02.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2012/036/e/7/man_with_stitches_by_tehcheychibi-d4ot022.png) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- **Powers**: While not even close to being the strongest metahuman in existence, Akaoni is widely known for his wide variety of abilities that completely differ from one another. But, with great powers come great weaknesses and even a feared 'monster' like him is, at the end of the day, fallible. _Electro-magnetic pulse release_: Akaoni is a walking EMP grenade. He can flex his entire body and disable all communication devices within a certain range, and the good part about it is that he can fix his work radius to embroil an entire metropolitan area. There are, however, two drawbacks to this ability; -the blackout would only last about 5-6 minutes, 10 tops. -the pulse that would surge through his body would render him in a three to four day coma, so it's understandable that he wouldn't use it in an offensive. Releasing a small burst, one enough to disable a police station for a couple of minutes, only subjects him to the paralysis for a short amount of time, like 1-2 minutes, depending on the radius. So there is that. _Metahuman speed and agility_: When his combat mode is activated, Akaoni can move at great speeds, able to outrun a leopard in a drag race. It took specially designed cameras that registered 1200 frames per second to at least get a glimpse of him. Unfortunately, once he starts running, he can't stop without damaging himself or bumping His agility matches that of a trained soldier, able to dodge incoming hits while simultaneously planning counterattacks, even though he's not renowned for being a thinker. He is capable of scaling trees, buildings and even huge mountains in a record time. _Near immortality_: One of Akaoni's primary characteristics is that unlike the rest of the humans (and the majority of metahumans) he doesn't need organs to live. There are two joint entities inhabiting his body, one in charge of controlling his motor skills, located in his chest where a heart's left ventricle should be and the other in charge of controlling his thought and decision making, which covers the majority of the skull, spreading it's influence all over the brain, excluding the hypothalamus. The one in charge of motor skills is called Red Oni, while the other is known as the Blue Oni. Even though both entities share a purpose, that is to help Akaoni survive, the Red Oni is shown to be far more malevolent. It's sole command is to kill anyone in sight. The Blue Oni is there to prevent the Red Oni from inciting a full scale war. It represents Akaoni's rationality, and as such, has the ability to whisper into him. The Blue Oni urges his host to plan ahead, warns him of danger and helps him process data collected from different encounters, data which is eventually forwarded to the Red Oni. There is basically nothing under the host's control, but his own sight. Needless to say, even though the entities are able to keep Akaoni alive, they can't make him act without having a foundation to work on, hence why the demon needs an organ transplant. Because the damaged hypothalamus is beyond Blue Oni's reach, every 12 hours the body overheats to a point that the organs inside start melting. Failure to give himself a transplant results in a sort of paralysis. He is alive, he can see, but he can't walk or use any of his limbs. Simply put, he can't be killed, but he can be buried. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- **Skills**: Akaoni possesses no particular skills. He knows the basics of combat, that is punch, kick, slash, but other than that he is pretty much doomed. **Equipment**: -Two machete blades -A rusty refrigerator which he carries around with a rusty wagon -A red metallic mask, which he sports. The mask is also a tactical tool, covered with kevlar which makes it highly resistant to bullets. Besides serving as protection, it also holds Akaoni's brains from falling out. The mask covers most of his head, besides a small part on the back which is left susceptible to damage. -A sewing basket. **Ranking**: A. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- **Brief History**: Ever since his appearance in 2011, Akaoni, roughly translated as Red Demon, became a popular Japanese urban legend, especially around the Iwate Prefecture where the first sightings occurred. Like with all urban legends, different versions of the story spread around. But while different, they all had one thing in common - each detailed supernatural forces as the catalysts behind the beast. In reality, things went much more differently. What would become Akaoni was, in fact, just an old Japanese man. He is yet to be given a name, however it's alleged that he ran a small prop shop south of Morioka. Even though 63 years old, the man was praised for aging gracefully, possessing a fit and healthy body which he honed frequently. It's said that a man needs a reason to stay fit, and whether that's true or not, it's unimportant. What's worth mentioning is that the man had a reason to improve himself, and that was cosplaying. It was deemed very unusual for a man his age to be obsessed over things that are practiced only by a younger demographic, but the man didn't care. He ignored all the snide remarks by visiting every cosplay convention that he could, sewing his own costumes, blending in with the crowd. It's presumed he had no social life beyond that, and he was perfectly OK with that. One Thursday, the man was making his way home, holding a red demon mask which he'd designed himself. The word 'earthquake' was being tossed around a lot by the surrounding people, but he casually disregarded their remarks. He had just made the perfect costume, an original work of art, mind you - a combat attire, a mask and two shiny machetes. The suit was different as in it was the real thing, authentic, genuine, whatever's the word for it. It wasn't made of cheap material like pleather. Heck, the mask was filled with kevlar from the inside, so you know that cost money. As soon as he made his way home, the man proudly wore the costume around, grabbing his machetes and doing all kinds of twisted movements, pretty unnatural for someone who should have been a grandpa by then. He kept the suit up until morning, and refused to remove it even then, flaunting it before the bystanders as some scowled, some burst laughing, while some couldn't comprehend the obscurity of the situation. However, it turns out that he had a quarrel with a brutal loan shark, most likely concerning the money he credited from him which he used to create his outfit. He wanted his money back, grandpa didn't have 'em, and one thing lead to another. It all started, and in a way, ended, when a brick hit the old man's head and caused him to tumble down on the ground. It took only one blow to kill him in an instant, but the shark wasn't satisfied yet. He dragged the massacre to the docks, stomping his head whenever he could get the chance, until nothing was left of it but bone dust. Then, he pulled out a knife and gutted him, possibly so as to remove some of his weight and let him sink down on the bottom of the water. It was then that a huge earthquake rumbled over Japan. It was then, the moment Akaoni awakened. In a twist of fate, turns out the man was actually a sleeper meta. An S ranked, while we're at that. Sadly, due to his powers surfacing at a point in which he was half past dead, he failed to reach his full potential. His powers manifested into two symbiotic entities instead, branded with a collective purpose - to ensure a dead man's survival. When the night fell, a grotesque hand stretched from the water. The demon, Akaoni, under the command of a soft spoken voice inside his head walked around a ruined Morioka, the aftermath of the greatest earthquake to ever conquer Japan. He reached out for his machetes, creeping down on an alleyway, pressing against his stomach to make sure his guts, or at least what was left of 'em, didn't fall. After quite some time, he finally found a body lying down the rubble, the body of a woman. She was dead by the time he got there, prompting the injured man to mercilessly run his machete through her guts. He was no surgeon, but he could transplant his organs with ease, much to his surprise. Thereafter, the man made his way through the empty city, gradually losing touch with humanity by each step. He crawled down his thrashed house, reaching for a sewing basket which he used to sew his clothes. This time, though, it wasn't clothes he was going to sew - it was himself. The rest is history. The man slowly became dehumanized, unwillingly embracing his Akaoni personality. Sightings of him stretched beyond the Japanese borders, some being documented around the neighboring states, while the latest being here - in America. The most prominent rumor is that the beast is after Aperture Corps, convinced that they can help him stabilize his body. **Other**: It goes without saying, Akaoni lacks reproductive organs and as such lacks a sexual desire. His vocal chords are damaged beyond repair, thus he only communicates via barely understandable grunts. Basically, he's a simplified organism. Dissimilar to the rest of the metahumans, he bears no need for companions or affection. He has no memory of his past either, due to the numerous brain transplants he has received over the course of his journey. His one and only goal is to find a way to fix his body, and consequently achieve immortality. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- **Theme Song**: [Celldweller - Kill The Sound] (https://soundcloud.com/sid-the-pittalein/sets/celldweller-kill-the-sound)