The day really couldn't have gone better. Seriously. Rei couldn't help the sigh of relief that escaped his lips as the bell signalled the end of the day. Friday was here, finally. Not that he had anything to look forward to. More time spent with his family or being forced to do his homework. He didn't care about school or doing well. Quite frankly he'd be happier if his parent's just left him alone and let him do what he wanted. At least he had swimming tomorrow which would be something of a break from the socialisation. That was one of the things he enjoyed. Oh, there was also Judo on the Sunday. Sometimes he just had a tendency to overlook the good in his life. Letting out a soft sigh he stopped what he was doing, which was doodling in his jotter. He was sure he'd been meant to write something down related to the subject (quite frankly he couldn't remember what class this was... English?). Drawing was so much more fun, of course, so that was what he did. Packing away his things he slowly stood and slung his bag over his shoulder. He was one of the last to leave the classroom but unlike many he wasn't in a rush to go home and begin the weekend. He currently had to decide whether to hang around and wait for his brother to finish practice, thus get a lift, or just walk home. He was probably going to go for the latter and take his sweet time with the walk. As he moved through the corridors he took his hoodie out of his bag, pulling it on and pushing up the hood. _"Does she even know how bad that looks?"_ _"She looks like a boy, ew."_ Rei's blue eyes glanced over at the group of girls who weren't even bothering to try and whisper. He wasn't exactly popular, generally lacking in the friend's department, but wasn't exactly disliked either. He was just there. Of course he was sure quite a few had realised that he went through periods of time when he dressed more feminine or masculine, or neither. "He or they, please," he said with a slight smirk, continuing quickly on his way past his now rather shocked looking classmates. It had felt good to say that, though he only hoped he didn't come to regret it. Nasty rumours would be undoubtedly circulated but he was sure he could take on any bullying that came his way. If it did. Hurrying out of the school Rei slowed his pace as he reached the streets, stuffing his hands into his pockets to make sure he had money. He might as well grab something to give him energy on the way home. He was going to need it to face his mother. He could already hear her voice, the constant nagging. Have you done your homework, Rei? Why don't you dress in something nicer, Rei? You have to wear a dress when we go to dinner at the Walker's on Sunday, Rei. It drove him up the wall! He tried not to let it get to him but it was hurtful when his parents refused to respect what he wanted or acknowledge that their child wasn't always the gender they wanted him to be. Shaking his head slightly Rei went around the corner, heading for the nearest store where he could buy something to eat - Food n' Stuff. As he entered he pushed back the strands of dark blue-purple hair that threatened to escape from his hood and covered his eyes. At first appearance his short height, at around 4'10", baggy clothing and rather flat figure made him look like a younger boy, possibly around twelve, rather than the fifteen year old girl he physically was. He didn't particularly mind the fact that he could pass as male, in fact he was quite comfortable with it, but if anyone treated him like he was younger than he actually was... well he would give them a piece of his mind. As he headed in he couldn't help but notice that the only cashier looked a bit... upset. Shrugging slightly to himself he headed over to the drinks section, picking out a Pepsi, before heading over to select an appropriate chocolate bar. As he did this Rei did notice that there was something of a tense atmosphere about the place but tried not to think about it too much. Maybe someone tried to steal something. That would explain why there was only one cashier - she was quite sure normally two people worked the tills. Quite truthfully she didn't care. She was just going buy her chocolate and get out her.