Leaning against Savarina's dresser, one leg drawn up, Mitch let his glass dangle (precariously close to spilling) from his hand, arm resting on his elbow as he listened to the game. Truth or Dare had never been his thing; nor party games in general. Something teenagers used as an excuse to rat on people's crushes. Still though, it could get interesting, especially when dares were going around more often than truths were. Mitch had to smile as he swirled his near-empty glass, ice cubes sliding around with gentle taps. Myles was getting his party on, it seemed, and didn't seem to impressed with Miriam's presence. Ah well. In the nicest way possible, Myles could go screw himself. He'd get over it; hell, the way Mitch saw it, Myles and Miriam would probably get along. It didn't matter, though. Soon enough their host arrived, Myles wasting no time in becoming one of her accessories. Mitch smiled wider, uttering a laugh when Sav brushed him off completely in favour of getting her beer. A dull throb of pain on the left side of his face answered his expression, and he absently brought his free hand up to touch the tender skin. *"Anyone want anything while I'm in here?"* *"MA, CAN I GET ANOTHER BEER?"* "Pfft." Mitch laughed, forgetting his bruise and standing up. Walking to Savarina's bed, he stooped to pick up Myles' empty bottle, gently tapping the man on the head with it and chuckling, "You sure you haven't had enough yet?" After Myles answered, however he may, Mitch grabbed another empty bottle from the floor of Sav's room and ducked under the doorway, calling, "Here, I'll help you!" Once in the kitchen, he put the empty bottles in the sink and helped himself to a refill of pop; he intended to be a driver tonight, for whomever might need it. Glass filled, he leaned against the counter and took a sip, looking at Sav. "So, who was on the phone?" He asked, nonchalantly between sips, eyes focused on the girl searching the cupboard.