It was silent for a moment after Alara finally joined back up with Darius with a rather annoying slap on his back. "Sooooo..." He said a bit stiffly as he glance at her out of the corner of his eye. "You get any good, or useful information?" He asked think maybe he should have stayed since heading off hadn't amounted to much. He got the feeling the girl he helped was more than just the average girl, but now it didn't matter much. Thus, he simply moved on. Wasn't hard to do since he hadn't even gotten a name. But now he was with this one again. A bit annoying, with some serious superiority issues. Treating him like less than a partner. Regardless, he was travelling with her. So anyone who knew him would be able to tell he didn't think she was too bad, or he'd departed from her long ago. "I mean, anything other than stuff we may or may not have already known?"