"I already told you, I'm a boxer, I've no clue on how to best throw someone and we're not so different in size that I can throw you like a ball just like Wolverine. I could use your clothes for grip but chances are they're gonna rip and it'll amount to me choking you and giving you a wedgie at the same time. Hrmmmm...well, I think I've got it. Still gonna be uncomfortable for us both. You relax and stay loose until I let go, you hear me?". And with that, Ajax positioned himself right behind Bee and put his hands up Bee's armpits. It was a surprisingly gentle grip, causing only mild discomfort despite having his entire bodyweight lifted off the ground like it was nothing. Still, Ajax held on to the man tightly and took two steps forward from where he was standing, rotating himself so that he'd have gone a full 360 degrees on the second step. In some way, it resembled a simple martial arts technique, similar motions to a spinning backfist, but done clumsily with no other goal than to build up sheer power for a throw, every step and rotation adding more. And power was something Ajax had in spades. He did all this without crushing Bee, handling his weight like it wasn't there at all. As he completed his rapid turn, it took less than a second to go through the motions, he let go and lauched Bee high, high up and towards Castle Ganon.