For the first time since coming to the academy Eden noticed the dragons in the window above the stage. She suspected Taurrin was among the mix, the green one most likely. _The other dragons, the one's whose champions I must fight, I suppose?_ **Yes, I didn't think your, what's the word? Principle? I didn't think he would tell our tale. But what's done is done, I wouldn't think much of it.** The blonde from earlier came over to speak to the redhead sitting infront of her. Only to interrupted by a white haired know-it all. "It's a legend! So is the tale of Santa Claus and the boogeyman. Until I see a pedophile in a red suit in my living room on Christmas day I am reluctant to believe any story that is not backed up by fact. What are you people 5? It's not up for debate, it's a story. Nothing more. Eden, Eden Autumn Cross. Pleased to make your acquaintance. Please don't make me regret the decision" She cocked a small smile at the three teenagers infront of her. Taurrin's amusement settled on her mind like dew on grass.