**"Hola, Are you here for Oasis?"** a woman answered as the door swung open. *"Si."* Juniper replied with a small smirk pasted across her lips. Her Spanish was practically non existent but she felt good about knowing how to say yes. She had a Latin lover once after all. *"I'm here for Oasis."* Juniper urged again, adjusting her backpack slightly on her back. *"I heard that this was a safe place for people like me."* she cooed, moving a little forward into the doorway. *"Do you need my papers or anything? I have them if you do."* she started taking her backpack off and rummaging through the mess of clothes, paper, and other crap they had given back to her when she was released from prison. Holding out the documents she let the woman examine it before moving any farther within the house.