Mitch stood up, walking over to Karaiyah as she spoke. "It's okay, I'll survive. I'll just be a little sluggish for a while, that's all." He grinned and puffed his chest in a mock show of bravado. "Nothing a little sunbathing won't cure." At her question, he grinned, leaning up against the door frame. "Oh no, it's fine," he consoled at Karaiyah's apparent embarrassment, "We're not very common, and we don't really have very many physical cues." Leaning down, he pointed to his eyes, slitted like a snake's. "I'm an Encantado. Snake in human form, basically. Don't worry, I don't bite-" he smiled, showing off his fang-like canines, "-hard." Laughing, he stood straight again, crossing his arms. His joking manner aside, he quipped, "But yeah, cold-blooded, yada yada. Nothing special, really." He smiled, more warmly than sarcastically. "But what about you? You look almost human, but there must be a catch for you to be living here."