Name: _Maria (Mari) Rose Buxton_ Gender: _Female_ Age: _18_ Occupation: _Fast food employee History(Brief): Mari was adopted as an infant, found abandoned on the US-Canadian border so her birth nationality is unknown, with her adoptive nationality being that of the US. She grew up relatively normal and received a proper education with the hopes of saving up for college. She's recently graduated from high school and has had her job for nearly two years. She's saved up enough now to get a place of her own and is working on moving out._ _The question came in a text message from a number she didn't quite recognize, but was compelled to give her fullest answer for the sake of gathering and sharing knowledge._ Hobbies: _She stares at the stars constantly, wondering what her purpose is. She tends to question everything to it's last detail and analyze, setting up her own theories as she attempts to solve the ages old question of 'why'._ Family(Living): _Her adoptive mom (Jenny Alana Buxton)_ What are you? _The star child._