She raised her eyebrow at his biting comment, her tone playful. "Oh, biting isn't a problem for me." Her lips upturned as she spoke, and even though she was composed and bold her light blush betrayed her. "Ecantado, huh? The eyes are surprising, but not necessarily bad. I'm a Siren. Yknow, luring men to their deaths with song and all. I, however, go to all lengths to avoid singing around those who may be affected by my song. It usually only affects humans, but as luck would have it I once encaptured a man I was involved with. I thought it wouldn't affect him because he was a Myth, but as soon as he heard it his eyes glazed over and he was never the same." She cleared her throat. "I didn't mean for that to, uh. Um. Anyways. Siren. Yeah. Like, I try really hard to not be a Siren. I just like to swim and sing, you know? I don't want to KILL anyone." She mumbled the rest, eyes downcasting. _Awesome. Now he's gonna think I'm just trying to kill him or something. Ah, shit._