Still searching for Kido's, but I'll have it here soon! [hider=Felice] Name: Felice Age: “17.” Appearance: [hider2=I really need to make a digital version of this…] ![Felice]( (I'm sorry, the quality is absolute pants! I don't have a scanner anymore, so I had to use my phone!) [/hider2] Slightly short, but with a face that seems to have “scowl” set for its normal expression. Felice has bright amber eyes and slightly fluffy ice-blue hair, though none of it goes lower than his chin in length. He gets a bit defensive if people start talking about his eyebrows, which are oddly fluffy as well despite their general shape. Personality: He doesn’t seem to be very outwardly social, but he seems to be fine in most one-on-one situations. Or at least, he would be if he wasn't so easily set off. If you get him to talk, he often seems very sarcastic and even a bit cynical. Secretly, though, he really does care about others, though he has trouble expressing it. He’s the kind of person who would do something rude unintentionally and then do something very randomly nice for someone as an apology. If ever caught in the act, though, he would likely deny it fervently. Although he would never admit to it, he really likes puns. Ability: “Ability? No, I’m just a cursed doll.” Although it wouldn’t be very obvious from a first glance, Felice is actually not even human. He has incredible flexibility and is quite agile, but sometimes is unable to feel certain sensations. This becomes dangerous when he is damaged, as it can get pretty bad before he even knows what is happening. If you ever catch him without his shirt, there is a panel in his chest that can be opened. The body he is currently in also seems to have an unfortunate malfunction that causes it to shut down every now and then with very little warning. [hider2=Curse Details] As a result of the curse, there is a lot of dark energy contained within the doll body to keep Felice's spirit bound to it and keep him from escaping the effects it has on his soul. If anyone were to try to access any of the energies contained inside the body in any way, Felice would lose all control and would be unable to do anything but watch as the dark energies lashed out at the offender as well as anyone else in the vicinity. Since this is only done to keep him from escaping the curse, it can take effect even when his body has been shut down. The more this happens, though, the more the doll body will be corrupted until it becomes completely unusable. Even though the dark energies corrupt his soul and limit his freedom, he can sometimes harness their power voluntarily. This usually cannot be done unless an outside force has attempted to damage or otherwise alter the doll body in some way, though. Prolonged use of these energies will also cause the doll body to shut down eventually. When this happens, Felice cannot move or physically react at all until he receives a jump-start from some sort of outside energy, although he can still hear everything around him until his mind goes to sleep. The same situation may also be triggered by his normal malfunctions. When Felice can take control of the dark energies, he can use them to create and enforce a sort of magical homeostasis which keeps any energies from flowing into or out of the doll body. He can still be damaged by normal physical means, but anything that requires extra energy or matter added on by means not already existing through normal physics would not be very effective. (For example, a regular chainsaw, or normal punch, or even just being pushed off a cliff would still be very effective and cause plenty of damage. Thrown energy, objects created or augmented using other energies, or a punch made more powerful by adding extra energy behind it would not be all that useful.) One drawback to this ability is the fact that once this ability has been activated, the doll body cannot be repaired until it has shut down either from energy use or its normal malfunctions. Because this is a voluntary ability, it cannot be activated while the body has been shut down. There is a way to take complete control of the doll body without disturbing the energies inside or being blocked by the magical homeostasis, but it would require the use of the "Doll Copy" created at the time that the curse was first placed. The Doll Copy is essentially a small doll, of a very similar appearance to Felice, that can be controlled by whoever happens to have possession of it. It's current location has not been revealed. [/hider2] Cabin: 11 [/hider]