Shade was....unimpressed with the man so far. He seemed too laidback and unprepared for a fight. He showed no readiness, and lacked any sort of air, aura, or understanding of how a fight between them would go. Thus far, Shade would say he'd win. Easily at that. "....I am Shade. And still, you seem to lack understanding to what I said....No matter I suppose." Shade continued, using his monotone of the *Unimpressed* to speak for now. **I say we show this bitch who's da fuckin man 'round 'ere!** *Shut up Psychopath.* **Make me Robot. I fuckin' Dare ya!** (SILENCE!) [....will fall.] (No.) [....Fine....] **Good, go back tah sleep ya weirdo.** *....Useless.* "Who, are you?" Shade awaited the mans answer to his question, and wondered if the girl would speak at all. Not that he really cared, but he did have important things to do. Like sleep still.