Name: Keita Feild Gender: Female Age: 22 Title: Singer and Waitress at the town bar Family/Relationships: Family In the city Living Location: Upstairs in the bar Personality: Keita is normally shy and only talks in gestures, as if she was deaf. Only trusting her closest of friends, she never says a word until she is up on stage singing in the evening where she lets loose her bottled up emotions. Keita acts kind of slow and dimwitted, but this is just an illusion. She is very intelligent and loves to read in her spare time, on occasion she will take naps during the day because of her insomnia keeping her up at night. Backstory: Keita grew up in the big city with her large family of nine. Six brothers, herself, her mother and father. Not really getting the attention she wished for, she buried her head in books and schoolwork, making her the academic star of the family. She didn't have the courage to make friends at school and a lot of the time kept to herself, this trait is still with her even to this day. Rather than staying in the city, Keita decide to move to the country as she couldn't afford to keep herself in the city, both economically and physically. Once she had moved to the country with the help of her parents, she realised she didn't have the money to stay at an inn, but she did manage to get a job at the local bar. When the barkeep found out about her predicament, they allowed her to stay in a spare room upstairs, some of the money from her paycheck would then be taxed as rent. Likes: Fruit Parfait, Strawberry Chocolate, Honey Pudding. Reading, singing, sweets. Dislikes: The taste of pumpkin, cats, juice, talking. In game birthday: Autumn 01 ![enter image description here]( "enter image title here")