Out from the shadows of the bush came... Well, nothing, actually. They rustled several times and went still, silent. One with those ears, though, could hear the sounds of something moving lightly away, something scraping against this or that, a tiny thud where something hard, but would give way, hit something much less forgiving. After a minute, the sounds disappeared at a diagonal route away from the Zmerr. One might relax; one might stay wary, but still go back to what they were doing. Wielding a weapon as such, one may even go after whatever had nearly intruded. Nevertheless, the source of the noise burst from the stream, as if invisible when in the water. Water flew in the air, becoming sparkling diamonds as they leaped up and rejoiced, then gravity caught hold and yanked them back down, and a fearsome creature, scaled in murky green- that had somehow blended with the water- scale, with leather straps slung across him, leather gauntlets with claws showing through the tips, and iron bits studded into it at choice places, meant for cutting with an elbow or a backhanded-hit, or for blocking a blade. Wielding two throwing axes, the lizard-man landed on his feet after shooting out of the water, not a couple feet from the bank, snarling. But when he took in the very much smaller form, he immediately relaxed; his expression slowly lost fury, his arms lowered, but one wouldn't- couldn't- mistake his posture as 'relaxed.' He was still tense, still ready to spring into action, but his anger was not towards the smaller sentient that stood before him. He would defend himself if necessary, but he was no longer ready to kill on a dime.