Shiva was very cautious in her approach to disembarking. All her movements were deliberate, double checked, and never without either a handhold available or her feet secured. She could hear the struggle in her own breath greater than anything else as she navigated the zero-g environment to the hangar floor with the others. Only once two seconds had passed since her boots engaged did she wave to Telmeck, who greeted them on arrival. "Not as bad as it could have been, Telmeck," Shiva said over the comms to calm his concern, "A rutting man charged her with his horn, you can thank your Rothian armour that it didn't get to her lungs, or even hit her heart." Shiva's mention of a 'rutting' man was meant more as a joke, referring to how emotionally immature Masulu men brawled with their little except their horns. "Well, that and luck. She wasn't beyond a field treatment." With that, Shiva addressed Rareth's original question. "Of course. If I can get you prone and get a better look at the wound, I can help sort it out properly. The fuse and set I did on your rib before wasn't flawles-" Shiva stopped and grunted, putting a hand to her stomach. After channeling some magic to relax her stomach muscles and prevent an incident in her helmet, she continued. "Sorry. As I was saying, the treatment wasn't flawless. You may have knocked it out of position slightly. Just breathe slowly until we get on board." Shiva was glad that the mission was wrapped up before her nausea worsened.