@Laue: I've never played Dragon Age, so I wouldn't know about that haha! Maybe I'll check it out. Here's my first character nonetheless. After seeing how I did, I might enter another (if that's okay) or just tweak this one to be better: --- **Image:** - ![](https://36.media.tumblr.com/d81e59f7cb74ffcb55016567fe073dff/tumblr_mwqxmomTl91rdww9fo1_1280.jpg "") **Name:** Freiya Arkaos **Race:** Human **Age:** 25 **Alignment:** Luminous Knights **Personality:** If Freiya were to summed up with one word only, it would be "angry". Due to the constant pain caused brought upon her by the scars on her face, Freiya is nigh always in an irritated mood and prone to snapping angrily at those who further bring down her abysmal mood. Due to the pain, Freiya always carries a wine-skin on her person, allowing small sips of alcohol to take the edge off of the pain. When sufficiently calmed down by the drink, Freiya is a very somber person, uncharacteristically able to focus on tasks for a person under the influence. Freiya does not socialize much due to her prickly and melancholic attitude driving others away more oft than not, but she prefers it that way. Harboring a deep seated hatred for the mages and their kind, Freiya will strive to become stronger and garner more influence among the Luminous Knights to fulfill her personal vendetta against the mages who stole her father from her. **Bio:** Born a non-magical child to two mages, Freiya's mother died shortly after her birth, leaving her to her father's care. During her childhood, her father Jumal Arkaos would become the only mage Freiya would ever confess to loving or having respect for. Her father taught her to read and write, alongside taking care of her other education very well despite the constant supervision of their family of two. Upon reaching the minimum age required to join the basic training to become a Paladin, she joined with her father's encouragement. She trained diligently. While no prodigy, Freiya was as strong physically as - if not even more so than - the boys of her age group. This was her life until she was thirteen. Before all went down in flames. Unbeknownst to her, her father had taken up teaching some orphaned mage children magic in the Undercity, as a passage from their home's cellar led to the seclusive area. While she had known of the children, even adopting some as her younger sisters, her father had kept her in the dark of the secret tutelage sessions. Seeing fire and smoke come out of their cellar, Freiya had recklessly charged into the Undercity through the flames in a desperate search for her missing father. And find him she did right before a fiery explosion of magic gone wrong went off. The explosion resulted in the death of her father and the characteristic burns on Freiya's face. Now orphaned by the same children she had adopted as her sisters, the seeds of a vendetta were sown. Life went on, until she had completed her basic training and it was time for the ritual. There had been lingering traces of magic in her scars, and like all mana did when coming into contact with Luminosity, so did Freiya's scars ignite into a white blaze. In agony, the young Freiya still did complete the ritual. As the last traces of mana from the scars were burned away, the accident had a curious and unfortunate effect on the young Freiya: The scar felt like it was always on fire. Despite the constant crippling pain as her now eternal companion, Freiya managed to recover with milk of the poppy to help her sleep and through sheer iron will, albeit barely. Now an adult, Freiya serves as a fearsome Paladin of the Luminous Knights. **Initial spells/techniques:** - **Luminant Burst:** Pumping her sword full of Luminosity for short bursts, Freiya can effectively parry spells with her blade. Needless to say, the effects of using a Luminant Burst on a mage leads to gruesome results. - **Ki-Tan : Beginner Level:** Showing surprising amounts of aptitude for the ancient art, Freiya has received some tutelage in the usage of Ki-Tan, mainly to reinforce and enhance her body to suit her battle style. Yet she is only a Paladin and the Overlords at Meridian hardly have the time or interest to tutor her further, so Freiya is mostly left to her own devices with advancing her skills with the ancient martial art. **Skills:** - **Rage of the Fallen:** Freiya is strong physically and this is further augmented to frightening levels by adrenaline and her natural fury. While not supernaturally strong or exceptionally fast, Freiya could easily take down almost any untrained, larger man. - **Iron Will:** Used to the pain brought to her by her facial scar, Freiya can easily ignore damage caused to her in combat. She will charge on like a stampede and won't slow down until she's dead. - **Battle Instincts:** Freiya possesses a good amount of primal instinct for battle, being able to almost subconsciously feel and read the flow of battle. - **Iron Liver:** Freiya has an extremely strong tolerance for alcohol and is able to carry out any task as well as a normal person would sober. Freiya has developed and honed this skill for years. (Yes, it is a skill.) **Combat strategy:** Freiya fights like a berserker. She charges and strikes down at her opponents with heavy, debilitating blows with little to no care for her personal health. Relying heavily on her well-honed intuition, Freiya fights instinctively and brutally. Freiya is at her deadliest when angered, where a single blow from her sword can easily be fatal to whomever is fighting her. **Unique equipment:** - _Claymore:_ A standard claymore of the Paladins. Freiya prefers this particular heavy weapon over all others. - _Wine-skin:_ Freiya's personal wine-skin, which she always carries with her.