![Lucilla](http://oi62.tinypic.com/kbva89.jpg "Lucy") Lucy stands around average height for a woman her age. Her natural hair color is actually a dark brown color. It was turned white after a mishap when she first learned to use magic. **Name:** Lucilla Verity Proulx. Just call her Lucy, though. **Gender:** Female **Age:** 20 **Title:** Witch Apprentice/Entertainer. On some days she'll entertain travelers and anyone else who cares to watch by performing small scale magic tricks. **Family/Relationships:** Only a person who is supposedly her Aunt. She doesn't have any idea what happened to her birth parents, as when pressed about the topic, her Aunt tends to get...violent. Ever try dodging books being thrown at mach five? Hard, isn't it? Ironically, her Aunt is also the one who taught her how to use magic. Ever since her Aunt kicked her out, they haven't spoken. Occasionally though, she'll receive a letter and send one. **Living Location:** As she only has recently arrived in town, she doesn't have much in the way of a home. She rents out a room in the Inn. **Personality:** Lucy is a friendly sort, and tries to get along with most people. Unfortunately, when she tries to tell people she actually _Is_ a witch in more than just profession, they tend to either think she's joking or she has a screw lose (the latter of which may actually be true). She hates it when people fight and always tries to find a peaceful solution to her problems. Unfortunately her shy and somewhat submissive nature tends to get in the way when she attempts to help. She can be a bit socially awkward around people since she hasn't had much social interaction with other people much aside from her Aunt, whose interpretation of 'conversation' is either drunk ranting, throwing books, berating her about her own lack of skill, or any combination of the three. One thing she does love though, is both nature and magic. She often spends days outside admiring nature and taking a walk and playing outside, usually trying to become better at what she does. However, as she is just an apprentice witch, she still has a long ways to go before she can do anything really spectacular. According to her Aunt though, unless she grows some backbone and stops being so...friendly towards everyone, she'll never be a good witch. That friendliness can be overtaken by a violent temper and a sadistic side of her can appear if she's had enough, however, it takes quite a bit of built up frustration and anger for her to actually lose it. **Backstory:** Lucy never knew her birth parents. Instead, she was raised by her somewhat eccentric Aunt in some remote home in the mountains. She learned at an early age magic was a real thing. Her Aunt often used it to clean up, make food, and otherwise take care of her when she was too busy, and when she showed some talent for it herself after an accident with a cauldron, magic flour, and dye, her Aunt decided to teach her. Unfortunately, while she had talent, she lacked experience and real drive to to anything real with the craft other than a few petty tricks. After an argument with her Aunt, she left home, deciding she would train herself and damn the consequences. It's been two years since then, and has improved her skills quite a bit, though her social skills are still as bad as ever on account she never stayed in one place too long. However, she fell in love with the nature and the people in the village and decided that maybe she could stay here for a bit. **Likes/Dislikes:** Likes: Tea, animals, nature in general, and Autumn, fantasy novels (especially when the main character is a mage), magic. Dislikes: fighting, pointy things, doctors, science. Is deathly afraid of: Her Aunt. **In game birthday:** Autumn 13, though she has never had a birthday party before. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Hah~ The benefits of Insomnia sometimes. I actually get crap done! Anyways, there she is~