[John](http://fc01.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2013/317/f/f/humanau__loser_farm_boy_by_mafurako-d6u3sx3.png "enter image title here") Name: John Logan Gender:Male Age: 28 Title: Rancher Family/Relationships: Son: Owen Logan Age: 4 Lives with father on ranch. Looks like a smaller version of his father. Wife: Natalie Deceased Living Location: Sunstone Ranch Personality: John stays mostly to himself and rarely leaves the ranch unless he or Owen need something. However if he does try to be social he seems to be quite friendly. He seems to get along with his animals more than most people. Backstory: John was teacher at a local high school in the city. He had always wanted to live in the country but then he met his wife. Soon after they got engaged and got married. John and his wife had a son two years into their marriage and the boy became John's world. This is as much as he likes to say about his past. He does not talk about his past much after that. However if one was to try and look up his histroy they would find a story about an car crash and that his wife died two years ago from the crash. John took his son to the town and used his money to buy a local rancher. Likes/Dislikes: Likes: Sweets, animals, and people who love animals Dislikes: Sour food and those who act fake In game birthday:Summer 28