"Don't worry about me. It was survivable to begin with, and Shiva's aid was fast and effective. I'll probably be fine even without more help." Rareth answered Telmeck before giving a quick glance to Shiva. "Not that I don't still want it, of course." Once the hold's depressurization was complete, Ashley opened up the cargo ramp, allowing the team to get inside and take their seats. Only the Hummingbird's hold was depressurized, since the captive they had rescued earlier was still aboard in another room, but it would still take a few moments to repressurize it completely. Given the chaos aboard the station, however, Ashley did not wait around for the process to finish. Instead, she closed up the loading ramp and took off without a moment's delay. Taking Shiva's advice, Rareth breathed slowly and moved little as they waited for the pressure to return to the hold. With no one saying anything through the radio, the only thing she could hear for a few moments were her own, slightly irregular breaths. Eventually, sounds from outside her suit started to return as the pressure normalized, until the point where Rareth was finally able to remove her helmet safely. Rareth took a deep breath of the fresh air, or at least fresh compared to the recycled air of her suit. As many times as she had walked into danger, it was always a relief to be out of it. While she imagined that no sentient being particularly liked putting their lives on the line, Rothians in particular held an aversion to danger. "Perhaps not completely ideal, but a success nonetheless. At least, we all accomplished our objectives. It's up to the rest of the fleet to recover the hostages safely. Hopefully, they will also be able to capture a few of these rebels for interrogation. But we've done our part. You all performed admirably." Rareth commented. Looking down, she started to run her hand over the fresh scar of her wound. Now that they were not in a vacuum, her suit was no longer constricted over it, and it was once again visible.