![enter image description here](http://i.imgur.com/IA7Sg3Z.png "enter image title here") ### Cat Silence had returned to the old place. A ruin. Even after all her time on the Island of Ruins, Cat had not seen everything. Who the men were, and why they had attacked were concerns long gone. Gone, like the light in their eyes. The bow and arrow in their hands and naked, tattooed chests suggested some kind of tribal Indians. None-humans probably – clearly not GE agents. What did GE mean? Cat sure didn’t know. She just knew that those people were packing powered exoskeletons and some serious firepower. If you managed to kill one there would be a squad on your tail in no time. And they only went for the heavy hitters of the island. Only chased, hunted, interrogated and killed people like Cat. Maybe their time was precious, or maybe they didn’t care for the little people. With a sigh Cat dropped to a crouching position and took a look around, from what had probably once been a wall. She couldn’t stay here; her fight had made noise, and noise usually attracted predators of all kinds. Like most days, her red hair was tied up in a knot in the back of her head. Her top and shorts both had the mark of time and hardship upon them. Only her blades still regained a type of indestructibility on their sharp surfaces. They had served her well just now. The cuts on her opponents were hardly visible. No blood. No trace. She wiped the glimmering sweat off her forehead and picked up her small backpack. _ Never stay in the same place. Always advance. If you get soft, you get dead,_ she reminded herself and went in to the thick, thick jungle.