Vala'Keer's cold eyes bore into the smaller creatures', though they did show a flicker of respect for this foolish little creature for not immediately running away. However, the little creature wouldn't stand a chance in Vala'Keer's eyes- he was naught but a small little creature, short and with stubby little legs in comparison. Fast, maybe, but not as fast as a knife or blade. But his mind churned through scenarios and possibilities, thinking up new ones and dismissing old ones, filing away the promising. He began considering the idea of aligning himself with this small creature; whether it with him or vice versa, he didn't care. There was a safety in numbers, and this one, however small, might prove to be more ferocious than its size, and maybe quite a bit smarter. Vala'Keer was about to open his mouth, to voice his offer to the space between the two deathly-still non-humans, when someone else walked right into the small clearing. This one looked human- carrying two blades of some kind, a kind he hadn't seen before. A flicker of alarm, then the fight-or-flight response kicked in, followed by a lingering curiosity by the weapons- regular humans used advanced range weapons, even in close combat- and a very distinct urge to tear and rip. However, he did not give in to the urge of a possibly human opponent- humans had a tendency to have clever, dishonorable knickknacks hidden any and everywhere. So, in less than a moment of the humanoid shoving her way into the clearing, Vala'Keer whipped to face her, then a moment later, not even a second, he continued in his spin, turning back to the water and diving, a thick scaly form whipping around like a whirlwind and then launching himself into the stream, weapons sheathing as he speared into the small river-of-sorts. It wasn't very large, not even three-bodywidths deep, but it was enough for him to kick up the riverbottom, clouding the water and providing an impenetrable screen for him to hide in. From under the water, Vala'Keer sat, resting against the bottom, hands and feet dug deep into the mud and sand, rocks idly itching their way under some of his scale. It was nothing compared to the danger of the human. His sight extended farther underwater, even with the murk, allowing him to 'see', more or less, what might be poking the water above. Should the human female- that's what it appeared to look like- approach the water and dip a finger or three in, then Vala'Keer would make sure to tackle. A gutted human might be good for the need of revenge, and maybe sate his appetite for the moment, but he knew that prisoners were valuable- knowing how close and how many would be valuable, as well as where they were. So he waited, hidden under the water, in his domain. He occasional thrashed his tail whenever the dust started settling, reaching around all around him, keeping his whereabouts unknown.