"Haiden Gardeen, and I make no promises. As for what your saying about it just being a story, then I ask you, how did the story start. Why does it exist, who made it up, how long has it been around, does it have any truth to it, and so on and so forth. I could go on, but what I'm basically trying to say is that one should always keep an open mind and not be so quick to dismiss things just because you can't prove them." Haiden ended his little speech with a nod, before turning to the still unknown guy. "You see, that is how you enter a conversation with strangers, you walk in, say your opinion, then introduce yourself. You could learn a thing from Eden here." Haiden then turned back to Eden an amused loo, in his eyed. "And I blad I'm not the only one who thoughy a fat guy watching children and breaking into homes is a very creepy thing to celebrate. Now then, anyone going to take notice of the creepy girl that just said some freakin creepy criptic shit to us, then seemed to just vanish."