Sadie had held her breath the whole time George sat beneath the silent hat. He'd been so nice to her, and she hoped against hope that he would be sorted into Gryffindor. Perhaps, somehow, her desperate prayers had worked, because not a moment later the hat had shouted _Gryffindor_! She applauded brightly, grinning as Seine stuck two fingers in his mouth and gave a piercing whistle. Sadie noticed, however, that not everyone was as excited as they were. Brennan looked especially grumpy, and even the crazy pretty Xia He seemed... a little hesitant. Still, she plastered on a smile and applauded as the pale blonde boy approached. Others were less polite. Sadie wasn't sure what to make of all this. Scooting over so George could sit, she clapped him on the back happily. "Yay! We're all together!" She cheered, entirely too excited. But she'd been so terrified for so long that she'd come to Hogwarts and would be all alone. She'd had friends at school in Swindon, but they never came round the house to visit. And now she was here, and everything seemed to be better. "Welcome to Gryffindor," Xia He smiled. Rames, Hector became a Ravenclaw to thunderous applause, and Rames, Cassandra to Slytherin. Sadie eyed the dwindling crowd with interest, bouncing in her seat.