Mitch smiled, a small, honest thing that greatly improved the look of his face. He approached at a leisurely pace, with hands folded in front of him, and took the place that Karaiyah had offered. "Thank you." He muttered softly, letting one leg dangle over the dock edge and drawing one leg up to rest his elbow on. He said nothing for a while, choosing instead to stare out at the water, wondering what he could say. She didn't seem angry with him, but even still, he was uneasy. Less so, now that he'd heard her song. The warmth it brought hadn't faded, and the smile on his lips faded, but never disappeared. While he doubted he was under any sort of siren spell, the song wouldn't leave his mind. He figured he'd blame it on the Encantado affinities, although it wasn't for lack of talent on Karaiyah's part. FInally, after what felt like a long time, he spoke, although it was more of him thinking out loud than anything. "It wouldn't have been hypocritical, you know."