Natalia Halden stared blankly at the bottom of her empty glass. It was the fifth one she had drained that day, yet the alcohol had done nothing to stimulate her brain. A thousand plans ran through her head, but none showed themselves to be effective for the job at hand. She set the glass down in front of her and took out her cell phone. Flipping it open to the "Contacts" screen, her eyes scanned the page. This simple action revealed what she had long before determined to be the main source of her problems. Gallagher Industries, her current target, was what one would call... evil beyond all reason. These guys had no morals. They lied stole, and bribed their way to the top of the markets. And they certainly didn't care about who they stepped on to get there. That was Natalia's job. She fought for the trampled. Unfortunately, taking on Gallagher wasn't exactly a one-man job. She had a thief on call, but aside from him her contacts gave little promise. It wasn't like she could call any of her buddies from the agency, her work not being legal. Besides, it would be a long time before she trusted them again. At this point, it looked like she'd have to go recruiting. Still, fist things first, she'd have to inform the team she already had. She scrolled down in her contacts list until she came upon the name she was looking for. _ "Hey Jack,"_ she spoke into the phone as it stopped ringing, _"We've got a job to do."_