He had been left scratching his head when it came to the Latin. He was trying to pronounce it, sure, but the words just didn't come as naturally to him, as they did to her. The way everything just rolled off her tongue, without having to even have the book to read from was quite impressive. He was glad when she seemed to mellow out and work with him a little more. When she produced the wrapped up parcel, and presented it with something of a show, he couldn't help but smile. That smile grew even further when it turned out to be a shotgun, and a collection of unusual shells. Listening to her description, he nodded. She'd mentioned in the book that salt was a barrier, so he supposed it made sense that rock salt coming out of a shotgun... "I get it. Kind of. If the salt acts as a barrier they can't cross, then blasting it into them would throw them backward at least. Right? Or if it catches hold of them well enough, could maybe even do some real damage. I don't want to take your gun from you, but I will take a couple of these shells. I've got some experience in bullet casting, so I'm certain that if I can come up with the salt, I'd be able to produce at least something crudely similar to them. Though... I wonder at why you'd carry a gun, if your quarry doesn't fear bullets." He watched her as she spoke. Her posture changed a little as she relaxed. And despite himself it made him smile. A glimpse into that vulnerability, made her seem more human, despite her strange calling. Allowed him to see that even though this was her life, she was still not all to different than any other person, with her own woes and worries. If she could do this, then perhaps he could too...