Her eyes softened, and a small smile lit her face. So that's why he was so nervous. She tapped her finger under his chin, trying to tell him to lift it up to look at her. "Thank you. I appreciate the apology, and I apologize too. I got it mixed up in my head, probably because there are other tenants who have that charge. I didn't mean to make you angry, and I don't think your anger was completely unjustified." She paused, voice considerably quieter. "He was a rapist. The man I killed, I mean. He tried to rape a little girl and I caught him." She sighed, rubbing her hand over her face. "In retrospect, perhaps murder wasn't the only option, but it took all of 3 seconds for me to decide killing him was the best way to help the girl. I got her away from him, let her run and call the police, and then once I turned to him laying on the ground my vision tinted red. And, tada, I got a few years. Not long, though. Self defense and all that."