Chris had gotten onto the bus and planed to ride it all the way to the down town water-front where he would fly to the Titan's Tower that sat in the Jump City Bay. It wasn't long after the bus had passed out of the warehouse district that a catastrophic noise, so intense it could be felt in the air, shattered all the windows in the bus. The people in the bus clutched their ears and ducked from the exploding glass fragments as they seemed to be screaming, but Chris could not here them due to the temporary tinnitus caused by the sound. ripping his earphones from his ears he too clutched his ears as he ran out of the bus. As he exited the bus his ears stopped ringing thanks to accelerated recovery abilities, and he looked around the surrounding area thing that maybe a bomb had gone off near by. He was unable to see any indication of a bomb, but what he did see is that it was not just the bus windows that had gone out it was just about every window on the block. As he continued to scan the area in confusion he began to notice a large green cloud emanating from downtown. _That's not normal._ he thought to himself. looking around he saw that many people were still in shock. _I wish I could do this somewhere less conspicuous._ Chris shifted into his first phase of dragon form causing a scale armor to form on him and his build to bulk up. Chris began sprinting down the street at roughly 20 miles an hour, and he could hear his shirt begin to tare. _Aw, man, I realy liked this shirt too!_ Chris wasn't able to make it the scene, he was able to make it to a cross street giving him sight of what was happening. He watched as a monster was destroying the downtown plaza with some kind of energy blast. _What ever that thing is using, it has to be energy based._ he thought as cars exploded and supports from the destroyed building melted into the street. _A very hot energy._ Done with his evaluation Chris started to run again toward the scene though he was still a few minutes away.