Name: Philip "Bulbman" Tates Age: 29 Gender: Male Appearance: ![my dude]( Power: Light manipulation: Focusing light (like a magnifying glass), Bioluminescence (glowing, though he can make only one body part or area do it, or not do it at all if he wills it.), Camouflage (bends light around him, but it isn't perfect, and only works on visual frequencies) Bio: Before the shield he was a roady for a rock band. The band gave him the nickname "Bulbman" because he was so good with the lights. Secretly, he was using his power to produce the tricks they saw on stage. They say that if the groupies want to get to the band they sleep with the roady first, but unfortunately for him, that wasn't a possibility. Every night, when he falls asleep, he glows. In fact, if he doesn't think to turn it off, he glows even when he's awake. At first it was very dim, but over time it got brighter. Now it is as bright as the morning sun, bright enough that he sleeps on a cot in his "greenhouse", a room in his base where he grows food, medicinal herbs, and weed, because why not? Are they going to punish him more for being a mutant that gets stoned? His base runs off of solar panels he sets in his greenhouse and living room, as he produces more than enough light now to run his TV, Xbox, and Computer. Politically, not that it matters to someone who hasn't talked to another soul in person for over a year, he's anarcho-capitalist. He's a strong proponent of self-ownership and taking responsibility for one's self and one's actions, and only considers someone an adult once they can do that. In his ideal society, people would work together voluntarily, and no one would rule over them, save those they gave power to do so. That's one of the reasons he hasn't left his hide-out in the basement of a night club to look for people yet. If he found someone else, they might violate the NAP and try to rule him. --- Name: Justin Lee Nickname: Shockwave Age: 17 Gender: Male Appearance: ![]( Power: Energy waves (directed at target or he can ride it to move forward quickly. Bio: Found by Philip Tates, living alone, just after the shield fell. Philip raised him until his 16th birthday, when Phillip gave him a cellphone, 12 volt charger, and some supplies and told him he should go live on his own. He didn't need Philip to look after him anymore. Occasionally he still calls Philip, and Phil will send him on missions. Likes to freerun, using his power to save himself if he tries to jump too far. --- Name: Dr. Mahatma Patel Age: 37 Gender: Male Appearance: ![]( Power: Mimicry: Physio-mimicry: Lets him copy actions he's seen done. Bio-mimicry: Lets him temporarily copy the physiological traits of another person, giving him the powers of other outcasts for a few minutes. Innate understanding: Understands how powers work, gaining more understanding the more he uses them. Bio: Once a simple geneticist, he was studying dozens of possible causes for Outcast powers when he found that he could fight like the best soldiers on the base, despite having never studied martial arts. He soon found that he could also copy the powers of prisoners, and even grew to understand those powers once he had studied them for a few days. This allowed him to produce devices for the Blades which mimicked those powers. Currently stationed on Redbridge. --- Name: Susan Delory Age: 24 Gender: Female Appearance: ![]( Powers: Telepathy: Perception Distortion: Makes people think they see, hear, etc. things that the didn't. Sensory overload: Overloads a person's senses, knocking them out. State adjustment: Alters their mental state, making them suggestible (like sodium penthal), sleepy, irritated, or calm. Bio: She met "MrPredator", Philip's youtube name, on the internet shortly after discovering her powers. She suggested that she use her abilities to get information from the blades in her city. Philip told her she should only do it if she thought she could get away with it, as he didn't want her to get caught. She eventually learned that the Blades liked to bring women onto the island to officially "work the off duty venues for the troops." Unofficially, if they couldn't send the men on shore leave, they decided to bring the shore leave to them. She hopes to find a way to take down the shield so that they could escape or, baring that, to get the Blades to leave.