She nodded, seeming rueful. "Of course. Back to what you mentioned earlier, about prostitutes. You're right, it wouldn't be hypocritical of me. But it would be *really shitty*." She spoke this in earnest. "If I ever hated or judged a prostitute, it would be because they did something that was disrespectful towards me or a loved one. Or anyone, really. If I ever attack or dislike someone just because they chose a path different from mine please yell at me. I never want to become like that, the people I despise most." Karaiyah shook her head, ghosts in her eyes. "I have no less respect for you or anyone else like you because of that choice. If anything, I admire the bravery they often have in dealing with people who aren't as kind as me." Trying to reach a more lighthearted note, she leaned over to nudge his shoulder with hers. "Anyways, I still want to hear you sing and I'm going to bug you about it unless you tell me seriously you want me to stop, in which case I will drop it."