The charged discussion between Aidan, Esailia, and Edward was disregarded as soon as mike heard Esailia's voice. "well, 'least she 's talking...means she can breathe" he muttered to himself as he watched the mercs. moments later Edward climbed to near hysterics and mike had half a mind to chew out the engi, but it just wasn't his place. Right now he had a job to do, and that was to protect this squad from the big threats, while they took care of the little ones. about that time Nathaniel started to whip the now effective prisoners into line, the group turning their backs, and kneeling. At the mention of opening fire, the low *whirrrr* of prowlers miniguns spooling up crept through the cavern, punctuating that this was indeed no threat, before slowing to a stop. "Keep them covered, find me a guide you feel is the weakest." Nathaniel said, as prowler nodded an affirmative as mike looked closely at the group. the choice was pretty easy for mike, thank goodness. pointing with his free hand, mike pointed to the pine marten. "you, third from your left, the pine marten." mike growled through Prowler's speakers. "slowly stand, step back 6 paces, and turn towards the suit." he continued, watching the marten carefully. "relax, keep steady, and everything will go fine, just remember....slow." Mike coached the fidgety pine marten as he moved back. "three questions" he said as he turned around. "First, your name, second, can you guide CORRECTLY through the mine, and third, why in nine hells should trust you?" he asked, prowlers "eyes" watching him intently. "honesty will work MUCH better then evasion" he added, as the marten formed a response.