Full Name: Alexi Lee Rayne Nickname: Rayne Gender: Female Age: 16 Powers: Blocks with gravity shields, uses water spells, and can fly. Trouble: Her gravity shields weaken if used too often. (Energy replenishes as she sleeps or meditates). ice as an element in spells or enchanted weapons will greatly harm her. Alexi has a necklace of sentimental value that changes her completely if lost or broken. Skills: Very agile and fast, she also is intermediate in hand to hand combat. Equipment: Lock picks, a wand, and a purse of soul gems Personality Traits: Alexi is very shy and quiet. She tends to stay to herself most of the time. She is very kind yet, dangerous. Her emotions torment her. Her sexual preference lies between both genders, considering she never had relations with anyone. Place Of Origin: A city of thieves located in Sweden Description (Pic is optional):![Alexi](http://i42.photobucket.com/albums/e346/shiro06/anime%20girls/Ainimender1.png "enter image title here") ![Wand](http://i757.photobucket.com/albums/xx220/praxisarcanas/elvishwandsmallB.jpg "enter image title here") Bio: Alexi had a rough spring into life. At the age of 12, a band of theives came into her home and killed her parents. Alexi, hiding in a closet, bumps into a pale. The theives found her, kidnapped and raped her. After a few weeks of captivity. Alexi snaps and discovers her powers. She kills the theives and she undergoes the theif lifestyle. Leading her to where she is now, four years later.