![Eithloriel](http://i.imgur.com/NVIzsc2.jpg "enter image title here") [Link for Eithloriel](http://i.imgur.com/NVIzsc2.jpg) The world of Eithloriel is an odd warring place. Many empires and great kingdoms of man, elf, and dwarf have risen and fallen in this dark chaotic land. Each race fighting each other, but joining to fight darker races. Races such as the demons, orcs, undead, and other dark things that crawl towards you in your darkest nightmares. Though this seems to be a peaceful time between all races, and many great powers have, in a way, put their weapons away. Though a coming storm may put an end to this almost uneasy peace in the lands. Bringing war with fire and brimstone upon any how stand underneath, like hellfire across the lands once more. The mercenary captain that spins this tale takes a swig of ale, "though that wouldn't be a bad thing for us that is. Plenty of money to be made in war time." He stands up from his log next to the fire,and walks towards his horse. " I've been recruiting lately for my branch of the Black Band," he gets unto his horse and looks down at the travel he had shared a fire with. "If you could do me a favor and help spread the word. That would be great, and I guess that could be my payment for saving you." The captain rides to the dirt road heading east towards _the Imperial City of Avalad_. On the ground he passes 16 or so bandits. The traveler had gave his word to do so and headed south to _Barad Elel_. Quickly word spread that the great mercenary group was recruiting again. All races from all walks of life were welcomed in the Black Band. Well they are welcomed as long as they can pass training and any test that are thrown at them, but pass and money is surely to be made in this mercenary group. The Black Band gets all sorts of jobs, from killing a local necromancer, slaying a corrupt dragon, even fighting in petty wars between local rulers. **So, will you put on the black band?** CS Name- Race- Male/Female- Appearance- Backstory- Skills- (If needed)Magic/magical abilities- Equipment- (If needed)Extra items- Other: The rules 1. we are op, but we are not gods. We can die like anyone else. 2. Within the Black Band there will be a rank, if you refuse to fallow orders without good reason punishment will be given out. 3. Let's try to have fun and get along with each other. 4. If you have anything crazy special about your character then run it by me. As long as it's not too wild it will probably be okay. 5. Let's try not to speed post. 6. Put "I will wear the band" in other to prove you read the rules. 7. Don't go crazy on the gore, and yes we can bloody fuckin curse. 8. Yeah love can happen, just fade to black, and do it in pm Lands of the western men -The Imperial City of Avalad, Gissfell City and fortress, Seawick, the Tower of Gaki, Waburh Stronghold, Avm Keep, Lands of the eastern men -The Blessed City of Orindon, The fortress of Napha the indomitable, The Cathedral of Damubu, Cotegin, Haywold, Hastow, Gadun Land of the Elfs -Mula the city of spires, Caerphy, Barad Elel, Mene the city of rings, Wybrook, Hacoria, Gondortharg, Lands of the dwarves - "claim" all mountains, Runba's Deep, The Astral Port of Hoondon, The Citadel of Buramma Free kingdoms -Taham, Throne of the Gods -Repool, Throne of the Gods -Hyde Tower -The Temple of Elemental Evil Lands of the Demons -Phorne Keep, The Tower of Enteral Night, Ardarth, Eglar Lands of the Orcs -The Cathedral of the Wrath Emperor, the Castle of Broken Worlds, the Narakib Mountains Lands of the Undead -the Fortress of Cusala the Enchantress, The Great Crossroads of Thelorge, The Ruins of Loydye Tower, the Desolation of Ninabi, the Desolation of Saduki, Race info- **the Undead** all serve a necromancer until that necromancer dies unless they have orders to not turn to dust when he does. Some of these undead don't get peace and sleep when their master dies. They get almost a 2nd chance at life, and have their own free will. **the dwarves** have, after many centuries, connected their kingdom and their mountains together underground. Though the dwarves have great numbers they don't tend to leave their mountain kingdoms very much. They have blackpowder. **the elfs** keep most of their kingdom hidden in the Northern Vale, but somewhere in there is the kingdom of the elders. They seem to be the leaders of the Elven kingdoms. **the demons** can be as strong as an orc and as powerful in magic as an elf. Though the power of these tall horned warrior's is limited. If they do not feed off of food from their realm, their powers start to fade. some of the more powerful demons can summon a small portal to their realm. Anyone else who is not that skilled must buy it from them. All a demon needs in a nibble to continue to live in this world. **the Free Kingdoms** arm simply citystates that have a mix of all races. **the orcs** are a great warrior kingdom, but oddly enough have their own advances including blackpowder.