Mastrix considered how awkward this whole situation was as she was sitting on a chair next to a fire she made in the middle of the village. Some people had even decided to sit next to her without asking! Foolish mortals, she should eat their livers. She had it good for the last few days, the bandits pillaging the land had been easy prey and what they stole from the villages around she was happy to steal for herself. Real food and water from a river were nothing like in the Scars! Somehow however it didn't make her want to live like these people as much as it made her hate them more. They had it so good, the farmers, the paladins that would collect taxes from them, different from the bandits only by the veil of legality behind them. She was thinking about this when she stepped in this apparently abandoned village and had been surprised by the arrival of people. She had hid by clinging to the ceiling of a small house for hours until she tried to get out. She had turned around to see some guy taking a piss looking at her and saying 'hi'. There was too many people around, she couldn't just immolate him to death so she didn't react. 'Mage uh? I hope that contract works out'. And to that she had just answered an hesitant 'Yeah'. When the guy told her he and his mates had killed a boar on the way here and asked if she wanted some she accepted. Her guts told her it was ok, that she could just get away after a nice meal and she had learned to trust her guts with her life. She saw 2 elves entering the village from different openings. Looking at them Mastrix clenched her staff and hugged her most prized possession close to her while eying them under her Warlock mask. Damn forest hippies, the only thing she knew about them was their annoying ability to detect her magic, not that they couldn't guess from her own appearance. That was because her fire was a fire that consumed the earth, that left nothing to grow for the next 10 generations, a fire that curses the land. The tree huggers knew of nature enough to know those things in their guts. She couldn't help but look at them with a rising sentiment of jealousy, their looks, their health. It was unfair. Without realizing it, she was now looking extremely intensely at Darthalia, probably not the most endearing look considering her armor was made of bones sculpted to represent some man eating beast or another.